Wednesday, April 7, 2010

My Success

In unit 3 my physical well being was a 6 and spiritually and psychological well being was both a 7. Now I would say my physical well being is a 7. So, I have made some improvement with my physical well being. The reason why I rate it a 7 is because I have started to exercise more and eat healthy then I did but I have been unable to do my exercise everyday. I am making a schedule where I can get my exercise in everyday. I rate my psychological and spiritual well being as an 8. My psychological is an 8 because I am still in the process of training my mind where I can eliminate the chatter. But I have been able to handle my stress much better. And since I am able to handle my stress my emotions has been under control. So, when I get a control of the mind chatter I will feel much better and then my rate can go up. I have seen my spiritual well being improved before my eyes because at one time I was at a point where I would leave my problems with God then I will get them back. This class have taught me that I am not perfect and I am going to have problems. But reading my Bible have helped me a lot. Now when I get up in the morning I say what I am grateful for and I do my meditation throughout the day and I feel so much better. I am making slow progression towards my goals and I am happy with my progression. I know my improvement is going to take some time and I am not trying to rush it because I know I will be at the rate I want to be at and that is a 10. Small steady progression steps towards my goals.

I enjoyed this class and it makes me sad that is has to end. I have learned a lot from this class. The information that I have learned I can apply it into my life everyday. I have met some wonderful people that I am going to miss. I did not imagine this class would help me like this. I am at peace and I am so happy that I am able to handle stress better. I did not have any difficult with this class oh I forgot I have difficult with the cd but that was the only thing. I wish we had more time in this class because it is really helpful and now that I have learned some tools to help other deal with stress and etc. I can pass on the information I have learned to other. If feel so good not to let stress control your life.

I want to wish everybody the best of luck. I enjoyed being in this class with you all. It is sad that I just met new friends 10 weeks ago and now we are on our new journey to improving our lives. I know the information that we learned from this class will help us achieve the goals we have set. Never give up on your dreams because anything is possible. Good Luck class and professor. I will miss you all.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Project 9

Integral health not only assist health professional with dealing with the increasing incidence of chronic disease but it also teaches us to acknowledge the multidimensional nature of the human being. Integral health means integrative, inclusive, comprehensive and balance. In our book Wilber stated, “To understand the whole, it is necessary to understand the parts. To understand the parts, it is necessary to understand the whole. Such is the circle of understanding” (Schlitz, Amorok & Micozzi, 2005). The aim of integral health is to gain freedom from suffering and to experience the flourishing of the full potential of our humanity; the natural arising of an inner peace, wholeness, love, compassion and joy that can sustain itself throughout the life cycle irrespective of the presence or absence of disease. This can only be achieved with an integral approach to healing that considers all aspects of human condition. To achieve my goals I have to develop psychologically and spiritually development.
In my optimal well being blog my physical well being was a 6. My spiritual and psychological well being was both a 7. Looking back on these 9 weeks I can see a change and it is a change that I like. But I know I still have more work to do. But now my physical well being is a 7 and spiritual and psychological well being is an 8. I have not made major changes but I have made small baby steps. To assess my spiritual well being I look at how to reconcile my actions with my beliefs. With increasing my spiritual well being I can have overall peace, harmony, and happiness with my life and my surroundings. Physical well being is the ability to understand my body. Understanding what my body can do and my limitations. Developing physical strength, endurance and flexibility. By developing my physical well being it will enhance my self esteem and a sense of direction. With my psychological well being I need to find balance between positive and negative emotions. If I can get my day filled with positive emotions that with negative I can have a sense of a well being in my life. The goal I have for my spiritual development is to read my Bible more and leave things I can’t change into God hands. With my physical well being I want to devote more time to exercise and to think more about body mechanics when working with my patients. Because I can’t afford a back injury. The goal I have for psychological well being is to eliminate my negative thought because my mind has been getting me into trouble. I plan on meditating more to help with my negative thoughts.
To increase my spiritual growth I am going to rely more on God and my prayers. Because I know I can’t achieve anything without God and my prayers have power in them. All I have to have is mustard seed faith. To foster my physical growth I will be exercising three times a week for 30 minutes a day. I have to gain more physical strength and by doing that I have to exercise and eat healthy. When I work with patients I have to think about my body also. So, I will be paying more attention to the position I put my body in. And by remembering to use the proper body techniques I will be going back over the proper body mechanics. In increasing my psychological growth I will be meditation more. Instead of doing it in the morning and at night I will be doing it throughout the day because it has helped me. Then when I get home from work I will be giving myself 15 minutes of me time before I do my household chores. Sometimes my me time will consist of soaking in a tub with warm water with candles around the tub. I would enjoy that.
To keep up with my progress I am going to start keeping a journal. I have not had a journal in so many years. But in the journal I will be able to write my thoughts and how I felt that day. In that journal I can write down quotes and meditation techniques that can help me to keep a positive train of thought. The first thing I will be writing in my journal is my goals and my emergency response. To help with my long term goals I will continue to use the information that I used in this class. Then I have a great support system. By achieving my goals I have to stay positive and continue to take baby steps. I know my journey will not be easy but I want and need to achieve these goals. I can’t be considered wholeness unless I achieve these goals. And how can I help others to become wholeness when I am not there myself.


Sunday, March 28, 2010


I want to start off saying that I really enjoyed this class. This class have taught me a lot. My two favorites are: Loving and Kindness and Subtle Mind. But most of all I really enjoyed the meditation techniques we have been doing in seminar. I have been doing them techniques along with praying. For the last couple of weeks I have had a hard time because the doctors thought my daughter had a disease called Congenital Adrenal Gland Hyperplasia and she have been doing test after test. My daughter is only 8 yrs old. So, at first my mind was not focus. I was a nervous wreck. I have not figured this out yet but why things can be going so good then something comes along and turn it all around. But I knew I had to gain control so I prayed and prayed. Then in between praying I added the meditation. And I begin to feel much better. Then my heart and mind was at ease and at that moment I knew my daughter was fine. So, Friday I called the doctor to get the testes results and the ones that was back showed that she don't have that disease. So, right now I am waiting on one more test result that should come sometimes next month. But after I got them results I thanked God because I know he is the one that did it. There is so much power in prayer. I am so glad I took this class because my stress level have gotten so much better. But lately, when the devil throw me a curve ball I just catch it and say oh ok God I am going to let you handle this one. And I do. Sometimes it comes to my mind but I do not worry about it. I have seen a major change. Before I took this class I would cry and cry until I am totally stress out then I would have to go to the doctor for stomach pain. I am so happy with where I am now and I know I have to keep working on it for it can get better. In my future I see myself as being successful and comfortable. I do not want all the money in the world i just want to be comfortable. And I do not think I am asking for a lot but that what I want my future to be. I know I will have that future. I know I have to go through the storm and the struggles to get there but I will get there.

I want to thank you all for the great support. I have learned a lot from you all and I will never forget you all.

Much Love


Sunday, March 21, 2010

Unit 7

One cannot lead another where one has not gone himself

I agree with this statement but I ca also see where that person can still help you. It can be by just showing that person empathic or even giving them your shoulder. Everybody is not perfect and integral health is developed at that person pace. So, I believe if you explain to your clients that you are also working on your wellness they will understand. As you help them with their wellness, they can also help you. A team effort. Implementing psychological and spiritual growth has helped me to handle stress much better. I have seen a big change in the way I handle my life. I don't let stress consume my life like I use to. And with this change I am much happy.

I was unable to listen to the mindfulness CD track 4. I would not even play for me. So, I will try again later. But I had no problem with the CD until track 4.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Unit 6

The Loving Kindness (meditation) lifted anger out of my heart and mind. I did this meditation when I was having a hard time dealing with things that happen in my life. I was anger that the devil always put things in our life to bring us down. But doing this meditation it made me feel better. It helped me to get back on the right track and I know that I deserve to be happy no matter what obstacle I have to overcome. I have to put happiness, health and wholeness in my life before I can help somebody achieve the same things. But I know the things that I am going through is going to make me stronger and in the end I am going to live that happy comfortabe life that I want and deserve.

The area I need to focus on is psychospiritual. Emotional development is the line I need to work on because I need to control my emotions. When I let my emotions take control of me I do not have a clear mind. When I start to get stressed out my emotions be all over the place and I need to control them. When my emotion is all over the place it puts a strain on my faith. The exercises I plan on doing are thinking more positively, reading my Bible more, praying more and meditation. I put this quote on my bedroom wall Write your worries in sand Carve your Blessings in Stone. I read that quote every morning because it reminds me that my blessings outweigh my worries. I need positive quotes to keep me focus.


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Loving Kindness and Subtle Mind

I did enjoyed this exercise. I was able to relax and just enjoy it. When I first listened to the Loving Kindness CD I did not really connect with it. But it was different this time. After I listened to CD of Subtle Mind I was so relaxed, my mind was clear and I was focus. Then I was able to relax and sleep. I am not sure why I did not get in tuned with Loving Kindness CD but I did not. Maybe when I get a chance I will go back and listen to it again now that I am use to the voice.


Spiritual and Physical Wellness

Spiritual Wellness enhances the connection between your mind and body. A person’s core and value system is linked to the spiritual dimension. Common activities that strengthen spirituality involve prayerful meditation, yoga, going to church or temple or mosque, and communing with nature. These activities become a source of enlightenment for most leaders. Physical Wellness is developing healthy activities that benefit your body such as nutritious eating and exercise. It is taking care of your body. The physical needs of the body must be taken cared of. Proper care involves regular exercise, eating foods that provide proper nourishment, doing relaxing activities that promote sufficient rest.

Since this class my spiritual and physical wellness has increased so much. But I still have some work to do. Spiritual and mental wellness go together. To increase my spiritual wellness I have started to read my Bible more. To increase my physical wellness I started to make time to exercise to work that in my schedule. This class has taught me so many ways where I can increase both my goals. And one day with physical and spiritual wellness my score will be a 10. That is my goal.

Thanks Kali

Sorry it was so late