Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Unit 6

The Loving Kindness (meditation) lifted anger out of my heart and mind. I did this meditation when I was having a hard time dealing with things that happen in my life. I was anger that the devil always put things in our life to bring us down. But doing this meditation it made me feel better. It helped me to get back on the right track and I know that I deserve to be happy no matter what obstacle I have to overcome. I have to put happiness, health and wholeness in my life before I can help somebody achieve the same things. But I know the things that I am going through is going to make me stronger and in the end I am going to live that happy comfortabe life that I want and deserve.

The area I need to focus on is psychospiritual. Emotional development is the line I need to work on because I need to control my emotions. When I let my emotions take control of me I do not have a clear mind. When I start to get stressed out my emotions be all over the place and I need to control them. When my emotion is all over the place it puts a strain on my faith. The exercises I plan on doing are thinking more positively, reading my Bible more, praying more and meditation. I put this quote on my bedroom wall Write your worries in sand Carve your Blessings in Stone. I read that quote every morning because it reminds me that my blessings outweigh my worries. I need positive quotes to keep me focus.



  1. I too need to work on my psychospiritual however I have to be completely ready to commit myself to something like that. I personally do not think that area of our lives is something we can be wishy washy about.

  2. I agree with you. If we are going to dedicate to change something in our live for the better we need to give our all.


  3. Wow, it sounds like your dealing with so much right now, I'm sorry. Anger is a real crazy emotion, it can break you apart but it sounds like your stronger than that. I think your stronger than all those negative emotions and anyone or anything causing them. Whenever anything goes wrong for me I try to see the good in it, by this I mean that god had something better in store for me that is coming, as hard as it is at the time we see and realize weeks, months, or years later and say, "wow" That's why all those crappy circumstances happened to get to this (whatever 'this' may be), but it's better for us, and then we see. Keep practicing the exercises or just breathing and workout when you can, anything positive to control your emotions and stay in the right mindframe! Good luck ok, have faith, and if you need to talk post me we are all here for each other :)

  4. Michele,

    Thanks for leaving me this wonderful blog. Today was better for me. I was back to my happy self. But I had to focus and let the negative things go. Then I realized what I knew all the long God do not put more on us than we can handle. I have to always remember all we need is mustard seed faith. The smallest seed in the world. When I woke up this morning I did my 3 minutes relaxation in the shower and I felt a whole lot better. Today was the first time I did the 3 minutes relaxation technique and I plan on doing it in the morning again. Thanks a lot!!! And if you need me I am here for you. It is good to know that people have your back. People that is standing in your corner cheering for you. Thanks for being my cheerleader and I am yours.

  5. Great Quote Kaliasha, I will use that too as a motto this week, I think I will say it to my yoga class this morning. Really, it has touched me and my life at the moment too. Its amazing how we allow drama and sweat the small stuff to the point that it creates unnecessary anger and at ourselves, but projects on to others. I am learning a lot from this loving-kindness exercise. Thanks for sharing Xjess

  6. Kaliasha,

    We all have periods where we need that anger lifted away from us..I hear you there.

    I know that it is a life long learning experience, learning how to control our emotions, anger, resentment.

    Just keep on "keeping on" as someone on some silly t.v. show said and I have always remembered that.


  7. Hi Kaliasha,What a heart felt post. I love your saying, in fact I copied it and tucked it into my wallet. Anger can be really self distructive, and it gives power to those that have put you into this frame of mind. I find what works for me when I am over being angry is to examine the circumstance and the people involved to see why the anger started in the first place. I have found that by doing this through the years I have learned to view the circumstances and those that would like me to react differently; almost detached, stepping back and viewing from an observers point of view. I find if I feel it is the devil trying to steal my joy I tell him to get thee behind me, you have no power over me. Remember God said If you are for me than no one (not even the devil) can be against you. Thanks for your blog as always I enjoy reading yours. Sharon

  8. Kaliasha, its an awesome thing when we are able to realize where are struggles and battles are the result of. The benefit you have is you know how to handle these struggles and that is through the power of prayer, which is your form of meditation. Prayer always changes things and keeps our minds on things above rather than things of the world. Once we understand who is in control, we can begin the process of releasing the reigns over and allowing healing to come in and restore our inner being. Good luck to you and may you be blessed with much peace, happiness, and fulfillment..................Lori

  9. Hello Jess, Jill, Sharon and Lori,

    I want to Thank you all for leaving me some sweet blog. Reading you all blog helped me a lot and it also lifted my spirit. Sometimes I do not handle stress well but I have been getting better. We have to keep fighting. And Sharon thanks for leaving this on the blog:God said If you are for me than no one (not even the devil) can be against you. I think we all need to remember that and tahnks for helping me to remember that. I just wanted to Thanks you all!!!!

  10. Hi Kaliasha, Thank you for your comment on my blog. Prayer can be so powerful, and as we have learned intercessory prayer works. Heaven knows we need prayer. I am trying my best to remain uplifted and grateful for all we have shared in this lifetime,I want a miracle, I love that man so much...I appreciate your prayers, thanks Kaliashs
