Sunday, February 28, 2010

Mental Workout

Mental workout was created to help people manage stress and dealing with a variety of life challenges. Research suggests that by meditating regularly, the brain is reoriented from stress. Just like our body, our mind need regular workouts to keep it strong, supple and flexible. Sometimes to challenge my brain I do crossword puzzles for about 20 minutes. Doing crossword puzzles also relax me. But at times school is enough to challenge my mind. As we age, our physical needs change and it becomes increasingly more important to take care of our overall health. However, taking care of ourselves now includes things that we may not have considered, like the fitness of our brain. Working our mental muscles keep our mind sharp. Mental workout can help my mind relaxes because at times when I go to lay down at night my mind is not ready to rest when my body is. So I need something to relax this busy mind. The mental workout will help me with some of my stress but since this class with the relaxation techniques I have improved a lot with handling stress. But a mental workout will put you in a better mood and you will feel better about yourself.


Thursday, February 18, 2010

Optimal Wellbeing

Looking at my physical well being I would say I am a 6. I could do better and I plan on doing better. But I just have to make time and do more activities. Because it I am more fit I would not have to worry about diabetes and/or high blood pressure. When it comes down to my spiritual well being I am a 7 but I also plan on increasing my score in this area to. And I consider my psychological well being as a 7 also.

My goals for physical well being is to get more fit by going to the gym more. With my spiritual goal I want to be more familiar with the Bible. I want to read it more. I want to be able to trust in God more and leaving all my worries in his hands. And in doing that my psychological well being will be in balance. I would be more happy like I want to be. Leaving all the stress behind.

To achieve my physical goals I can incorporate walking and working out in the gym. The activities I can do to enhance my spiritual goal it read the Bible more and attend church regularly. And talking with God more. And with my psychological I need to find more relaxation techniques so, I think I would start getting more massages to relax my muscles and meditation when I get home after work.


Friday, February 12, 2010

Journey on Relaxation Exercise

I really enjoyed the relaxation exercise. It made me so relaxed. I need a relaxation technique like this. After doing it my muscles was so relaxed. I will be doing this technique everyday when I come home from work. Because sometimes my job can stress me out and also put that stress on my body. It is good to have different techniques to release stress. I love doing yoga and getting massages to relieve stress on my muscles but now I have a new one. I believe this technique can help anybody that have had a stressful day.

Reflective Statement

Hi Creating Wellness Class,

I have learned that integral medicine can be set apart from conventional medicine because it treats the illness, the patient and the physician. Conventional medicine just treat the illness and then the alternative medicine is used to treat the person. While reading Dacher (2006), I came across a statement that is so true. "We live blindly among unimaginable treasures, and at the end of our days, we leave life unaware of the great wealth and the great health that have always been right in front of us"(Dacher, 2006). I think that statement is so true in my case because sometimes when I think I am missing something is my life and I try to find it and the hold time it was right in front of my face. I am really enjoying this class because it is helping me to better love myself and how to overcome the stress in my life. Stress bring problems in your life, some which can be avoid. This class will teach me how to gain more spiritual insight and I need that.

Thanks Class


Thursday, February 11, 2010

Welcome Statement

Hi Creating Wellness Class,

I am very excited to be in this class because since we started I have already learned new information that I can apply in my life. Well, this blogging thing is new to me but I am willing to learn new things. When this class is over I think we will have learned and learn new things about ourselves. Like we are not perfect. God did not make us to be perfect. If we was perfect we would not need him. I am glad I have the chance to grow and learn with you:)